- Pierre Ferrero (France)
- Publisher
- L’employé du moi
- Year of publication
- 2023
Violence from security measures, growing economic inequality, identitarian atavism, and disasters along its borders: France is looking far too much like an actual nightmare. And it’s just getting started! As the nation experiences social movements increasingly large in scope, the unimaginable is about to happen: 70 years after his funeral, Marshal Pétain of the Vichy regime comes back to life. Flanked by a formidable escort, the freshly resurrected zombie reaches the capital to meet with the President. The two characters connive, collude, and fuse into a monster whose only ambition is to impose totalitarian order on French society. Cauchemar unfolds like a dystopia—the one we all fear. With this tragicomic B-film, Ferrero gives free rein to a fanatical adventure that draws on several registers at once for its influences. A hybrid tale blending satire with baroque action scenes and one-of-a-kind twists and turns.
416 pages
b&w and color
15.00 x 21.00 cm
ISBN : 978-2-39004-112-2
23.00 €