Robinson Suisse

  • Baladi (Switzerland)
  • Categories
  • Fiction
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  • Adaptations
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  • Politics
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  • Adventure

“How beautiful is our Island! And so quiet! A paradise only for us!”
Baladi first discovered The Swiss Family Robinson as a TV series in the 70s. Years later, he stumbled upon the book the series was based on, written in German by a Bernese author at the beginning of the 19th century. Playing with this idea of adapting the book, he unearthed Baroness Montolieu’s translation, who changed some sections , and expanded with original episodes more than once. So Baladi decided to adapt only Montolieu’s new chapters, feeling free on his own adaptation.
From the materia prima, he kept the basic story of the shipwrecked Swiss family surviving on a faraway island and the charming style old fashioned adventure novel. He then kneaded, transformed, betrayed, and gone beyond this raw material to create a political comic book. Mixing techniques (paper-cutting, gouache, acrylic…), Baladi offers some of his most beautiful pages.

112 pages

Full color

21.00 x 28.00 cm


ISBN : 978-2-88923-084-6

22.50 €