La Cafetière

89, boulevard Soult
75012 Paris, France

More than 20 years ago, la Cafetière emerged from the fanzine world. We wanted to create a new space for expression and to discover and promote authors. Since then, we have supported artists such as Baladi and Fabcaro, in creating elaborate comic worlds.
Our catalogue is mainly focused on creative works and supports a particular form of graphic novel: one without genre boundaries, which is occasionally offbeat or ironic, often reflective and always challenging.

“Cafetière” is the French word for “coffeepot” and is associated with hospitality.
It is also French slang for “head” or “brain”.

Editor : Philippe Marcel / /

Press : Nicolas Mallet / / (00 33) 6 63 32 16 01

Foreign rights: Philippe Marcel / /

See catalogue

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