Les éditions Le Monte-en-L’air
Le Monte-en-l’air
2, rue de la mare
75020 Paris
Les éditions Le Monte-en-l’air were created with the series Très précis de conjugaison ordinaire by Poullard and Rannou. 10 years later, the projects are done with modesty, following our desires and the proposals we receive. The house has a soft spot for series (Très précis, BD-CUL, Bédé cœur, WTF!) and for funny little books.
Editor : Guillaume Dumora / librairie.lemontenlair@gmail.com / +33 6 77 81 21 67
Press : Charlotte Miquel / chamiq@gmail.com / + 33 6 58 61 95 06
Bookstores: Charlotte Miquel / chamiq@gmail.com / + 33 6 58 61 95 06
Foreign rights: Sarah Lapalu pour Eddy agency / sarah@eddy-agency.com / + 33 6 73 44 24 92