
  • Genre
  • Fiction
  • /
  • Inclassable

Hors-Zone est ce no man’s land où l’instinct de survie et de destruction est la seule logique encore valable. Les péripéties s’enchâssent et se multiplient pour repousser l’inéluctable. L’Aventure n’a d’autre but que de faire gagner du temps au héros. Guidé par la nécessité de fuir autant que par son propre monologue intérieur, le détective cavale le long d’une spirale hallucinatoire. Mais la frénésie qu’il déploie pour échapper à son destin n’est que la mécanique d’une issue déjà programmée…

An association of text and images disconnected from each other. With Hors-Zone, Blexbolex keeps exploring the complex relationship between text and image. This album relates the last seconds of the life of a character who has just shot himself in the head because of an inner conflict. His dying brain suggests him a series of visions and stories to convince him that he is not dying… 

Born Bernard Granger in Douai, he studied screen printing (sérigraphie) at the School of Fine Arts (L’école européenne supérieure de l’image) in Angoulême. His first works were self-published, and later he contributed to Popo Color, Fusée, and Ferraille. His highly stylized, ligne claire illustration, inspired by the films of Jacques Tati and whodunits of the 1950s and 60s, gradually gained an audience. In Germany, he directed an art studio at the Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weissensee (School of Art and Design Berlin-Weissensee) and he also worked regularly with a number of editors, including Thierry Magnier, Pipifax, United Dead Artists, Les Requins Marteaux, and Cornélius. Blexbolex has contributed to the American publication The Ganzfeld.