- Delphine Panique (France)
- Maison d’édition
- Cornélius
- Année de parution
- 2018
- Genre
- Inclassable
Tissant les fils de son histoire au gré de sa fantaisie, Delphine Panique nous offre avec Le vol nocturne une chronique alerte et délicate sur la perte et le passage du temps. Les courts chapitres s’organisent peu à peu comme un puzzle et la légèreté des anecdotes se dissipe en volutes transparentes pour laisser apparaître une gravité inattendue. Fusionnant dans sa marmite des ingrédients réputés peu compatibles, Delphine Panique prouve une nouvelle fois ses talents d’alchimiste par la transmutation des ténèbres en haïkus lumineux et mélancoliques.
It’s the story of Rogée. She’s a witch but she didn’t choose to be a witch and her difference doesn’t make her life easier. She has sabbaths for hobbies and dreams to travel but something is missing…
There is also Martine. But it’s different. She was a witch but she passed away. She comes back on earth from time to time in the shape of a rabbit, a cow or a boar.
Delphine Panique offers with Le vol nocturne a brisk and delicate story about loss and the passage of time. The short chapters progressively become the different pieces of a jigsaw. An unexpected seriousnes hides behind the lightness of these little stories.
Mixing incompatible ingredients in her cauldron, Delphine Panique proves once again that she is a true alchemist turning the darkness into bright and melancholic haïku.
Delphine Panique was born in 1981 near Montpellier. With Misma, she published her first book Orlando, loosely adapted from Virginia Woolf. In 2016, her comic book entitled En temps de guerre is part of the selection at Angoulême festival. In 2019, Le vol nocturne is also in Official selection in competition at Angoulême.
208 pages
15.00 x 21.00 cm
ISBN : 978 236081 140 3
18.50 €