- Fabrice Erre (France)
- Publisher
- 6 Pieds sous terre
- Categories
- Humor
When all the jokes and stories about teachers, bikers, firefighters, blondes, and of course the infamous Toto have all been told, where does one look for inspiration in creating the next original adult humor comic? Wanting a slice of the cake, 6 Pied Sous Terre contacted Fabrice Erre to write about the life of an instantly iconic character; about his fears, his daily battles, and about his experiences in this world. This iconic character being the redhead, or le roux. No, not the redheads, but a single redhead, and how all his particularities, nuances and oddities (of which there are many) inform his experiences. Therefore, we will not fall into cheesy stereotypes and cliches about redheads in general. Our redhead is not the butt of a joke to be laughed at for his visible difference- he can think his own thoughts, and walk his own walk. In Le Roux, we see that special “Erre-touch” as it works its wonders: subtle, always funny, and always human, and thus always unexpected. It is an ode to all the times we have had to fight against preconceived notions to protect what makes us individuals.
72 pages
Two colors
21.00 x 27.50 cm