
Growing up. Facing down other people, early disappointments, how people see you, the world’s expectations. Also, making discoveries. […]

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Goutte à Goutte

Goutte à Goutte is about coming of age. It draws parallels between the author’s grandmother’s childhood memories and […]

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Saison des Roses

The women’s soccer team of Rosigny-sur-Seine is doing well and gets a chance to participate in the national […]

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TEHRAN 1978: Marjane is eight. She thinks about the future and dreams of being a prophet saving the […]

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Fille d’Œdipe

Inspired by one of Greeks most infamous tales, Fille d’Œdipe, follows the story of the emancipation of the […]

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Forgetting is fast becoming a thing of the past. Julie has made an enormous blunder – she has […]

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