I was nobody. A man without a past. A stranger in a crowd. I was looking for my […]

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Feya (t.1)

couverture Feya

Strange creatures live in a lush, timeless forest. There’s a hairy magician, a little ghost who loves food, […]

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Forgetting is fast becoming a thing of the past. Julie has made an enormous blunder – she has […]

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Cursus fin du monde

“Can science still save the world?” That’s the question Robin Cousin asked researchers while on residency at the […]

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Voyage Yuichi Yokoyama

In Yûichi Yokoyama’s Travel, the storyline is as linear as it is sharp: it is the long, silent […]

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In his previous opus, The Immersion Program, Léo Quievreux had left, in an unspecified place and future, a […]

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In a near future, a memory scanning machine was the subject of a battle between two rival intelligence […]

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Something turned wrong during terraforming a planet in the furthest reaches of the galaxy ; then, some scientists […]

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One distant night, the sun stands still and stops on the horizon. A cohort of characters, confronting its […]

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La mort rose

After a deadly epidemic wave, the world has been divided into independent, closed and ultra-secure cities. Miguel belongs […]

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Stan Zygart takes us into the hectic adventures of Captain Turlupin, fleeing a planet in danger that no […]

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Time is no longer for fabulous animals, time is moving forward in dark meanders… Samedi is the touch […]

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Along the Ruins

Samuel F. Monroe travels where he is needed: both psychiatrist and elite soldier, this curious healer can delve […]

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