The Big Empty

“Manel Naher?! B-but… that’s me!” Who is this other Manel Naher, the one on the front page of […]

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What happens when adults lose control of their life? When a simple glass of wine turns the daily […]

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Robinson Suisse

“How beautiful is our Island! And so quiet! A paradise only for us!” Baladi first discovered The Swiss […]

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As Camille leads a new life, far from her homeland and her roots, he receives a childhood friend […]

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Welcome to Bibiville

Bulldogs, Bassets, Bichons… Everyone is welcome to Bibiville. The architect and founder of the town, Walter Bibi, is […]

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Daddy Balloon

One fine day, all the grown-ups turn into balloons. No more Daddy to stop Hana eating ice cream, […]

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Time is no longer for fabulous animals, time is moving forward in dark meanders… Samedi is the touch […]

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Cursus fin du monde

“Can science still save the world?” That’s the question Robin Cousin asked researchers while on residency at the […]

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La Fin de juillet

Late July, a small Polish village. Alek, spending summer break with his bitter and unpleasant maternal grandmother, is […]

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Prof. Fall

Prof. Fall is a graphic novel which mixes elements from detective novels, fantasy and social critique. Michel, a […]

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